Teaching Circle

Join us on Thursday evenings April 2nd, 9th, and 16th for a teaching circle exploring themes that weave through George's book, A Clear and Simple Prayer. Our first circle will delve into the theme 'Our hearts are one heart'. George will speak to his present musings on the subject, share stories, and answer questions from the community. This is the second of three teaching circles.

This circle is inspired by a quote from George's book, A Clear and Simple Prayer:
It is like this:
When one of us falls, we are all bereaved,
like wolves who have lost one of their number.
Our hearts are one heart
and it costs us each a piece of ourselves
gladly given and deeply felt,
to make the circle
a little tighter,
a little warmer, 
a little more loving
for everyone still living
to feel even more held by it.

When: Thursday April 9th from 6:30-8:30pm
Location: This gathering will be held on zoom (You will receive an email with the link before the event starts)
Cost: $30 per session


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